Adding Items to a Custom Sitecore Seach Index using SiteCron


Over the years working with Sitecore I’ve had to create custom indexes and add items to them for most clients I’ve worked for. I’ve generally written a Search Crawler and Search Indexer to handle this but it’s always seemed like a lot of code to manage just to add a few items to an index and temperamental to control the indexing frequency accurately. I’ve also had many issues with Indexes being out of Sync in the past due to Sitecore Events not firing on CD instances etc.

I’ve tried various approaches to simplifying this in the past but unfortunately never got this working. However this came up again on a recent project and I was successful this time – so decided I’d share my approach and code.
Note in this example I’m using Solr but in Theory this same code should work with Azure Search also.

In simple terms the approach is to:

1) Create a Custom Index – to store my content (in this case Blogs)
2) Create a Search Indexing Service – which will retrieve the Items and add them to the Custom index
3) Create an SiteCron Indexing Job – which will call my Indexing Service to Index the Items on a regular basis
4) Create a Search Results Page – which will display the search results from the Index

Benefits of this approach

  • Less Code to write and manage
  • Can control how often the indexing runs very accurately (using SiteCron) and this persists across App Service / IIS Restarts.
  • Easy to test and maintain

1) Creating a Custom Solr Index

I’m not going to go into this process too much as it’s documented well elsewhere but essentially you need to copy on of the out of the box solr folders, rename it and also update the file. For this example I’ve created and index called sc93_blogs_index:



You will also need to add 2 configuration files for the custom Index like so to define the index name, strategy (of manual) and configure the fields to include. Amend these as required for your use-case:

Index Config:
Index Fields Config:


2) Search Indexing Service

The next step is to create our Search Indexing Service. This will get the blog items and add them to the index. This could easily be pulling Info from an datatabase, API or File instead if needed.  I’ve called mine BlogPostSearchService:

 public class BlogPostSearchService : ISearchService

I also added an interface with  two methods:

public interface ISearchService
   int IndexContent();

   BlogPostSearchResultsModel GetResults(BlogPostSearchResultsModel blogPostSearchResultsModel, string searchTerm, int resultsPerPage, int currentPage);


Index Content Method

The IndexContent() Method is like so. Note this code is not optimal if you have more than a few hundred items within a folder, you may wish to re-structure your items differently:

Get Content Method

The GetContent() Method is as follows:

Supporting Models / Classes

There are various supporting models and classes used in the above code. Below are the key ones.


My Blog Posts just have two additional properties so this is pretty simple:
public class BlogPostSearchResult: SearchResultItem
    public string Title { get; internal set; }

    public string Description { get; internal set; }


This Model is used to hold my search results and some other properties about the search results for use in the View:

public class BlogPostSearchResultsModel
    public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
    public IPagedList<BlogPostSearchResult> SearchResults { get; set; }
    public int TotalNumberOfResults { get; set; }
    public int NoOfResults { get; set; }
    public int Page { get; set; }


You will notice there are some settings used in the code such as for the Blog Post Items Path. Add a Sitecore patch file for these and configure them as needed.

Paged List

I’m using an Nuget Package for PagedList, this is a good one if you want to use one too:

3) SiteCron Indexing  Job

The next step is to create our SiteCron Job which will be responsible for indexing the content. This calls the IndexContent() method on the service. Obviously this needs to match your SiteCron Job name above.
See my post here about logging to the last run log etc if you’d like to do that too.

  This is then setup in SiteCron to run like so, schedule it to run as needed: sitecron-job 

4) Search Results Page

The last step is to display the Search Results. Create a page in Sitecore using whatever template you use. Then Create an Controller Rendering and View in Sitecore, reference the Controller below and add the rendering to the page.


The Controller looks like so:


The View, this is a simplified version:

The Result

So once you’ve done all the above you should end up with something like the following:



Hopefully this helps someone else who need to implement a custom search and illustrates an alternative approach that could work for them.

Fixing Solr Azure App Service Core Locking Issues


We have had intermittent issues with our Sitecore Solr instance in Production which runs in an Azure App Service. Every so often it crashes and we see Core Initialisation errors like so:

sitecore_web_index: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Index dir 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\server\solr\sitecore_web_index\data\index/' of core 'sitecore_web_index' is already locked. 
The most likely cause is another Solr server (or another solr core in this server) also configured to use this directory; 
other possible causes may be specific to lockType: native

Doing some research into this it seems that the consensus is that Azure App Services shouldn’t really be used for Solr:

However I couldn’t actually find any official Sitecore documentation that says that Azure App Services are not supported / recommended for Solr and there are plenty of blog posts out there about setting up Solr for Sitecore in Azure App Services.

We could have switched it to an VM but we’d rather not do that as it’s easier to manage and maintain an Azure App Service than an VM and Microsoft will also handle all the security patches too etc.

So I opened a support ticket with Sitecore to confirm if App Services can be used for Solr and they suggested that I try the following:

1. Make sure the Azure Web App is not scaled out (instance count should be set to 1).
2. Make sure the environment variable WEBSITE_DISABLE_OVERLAPPED_RECYCLING is set to 1

We already have our App Service scaled to just one instance but when checking the configuration settings we didn’t have the WEBSITE_DISABLE_OVERLAPPED_RECYCLING setting set.
So we added this config and set the value to 1:

Setting this to 1 stops new instances of the app being started before the current instance is shut down – which can cause locking.

Since making this change we’ve not had any issues with it intermittently locking.

Update: I still had issues with cores locking occasionally and started on a solution for it using PowerShell in a Runbook a while ago and I have now completed this and shared it here:

Hope this helps someone else who’s having this issue too.

The Business Case & Considerations for a Sitecore 9.2 Upgrade

I don’t often write Sitecore blog posts from a business perspective but I today I thought I would as I think some Sitecore customers are still on 8.x or 9.0 and are considering an upgrade to Sitecore 9.2.

With Sitecore 9.3 likely to be released later this year and mainstream support for 8.2 and below running out in December now is a good time to consider upgrading.

In this post I’m going to outline what the benefits of moving to 9.2 are and also the considerations you should make before embarking on an upgrade.

What are Benefits / Features of Sitecore 9.2?

This is usually one of the first questions that will be asked. I’m not going to keep this fairly high-level as there are many in-depth blog posts out there on Sitecore 9.1 & 9.2 features but the following should provide a succinct summary.

Sitecore 9.1 & 9.2 bring a lot of new features and there has been a big focus on splitting features and functionality out from the previous large monolithic architecture to a smaller modern micro-service based architecture:

  • Sitecore Cortex – Sitecore’s new Machine Learning Brain which can Suggested Personalisation and process and leverage customer data
  • Sitecore Identity – Single Sign On and Federated Authentication (using IdentityServer)
  • Sitecore Universal Tracker – Provides an central Analytics API to track  interactions from any device (e.g mobile apps, IoT, AR and VR)
  • Sitecore JavaScript Services (JSS) – allows development of apps using front-end frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue, using Sitecore as the source for the data (including SXA & Sitecore Forms support in 9.2).
  • Sitecore Accelerator Framework (SXA) Accessibility Improvements – SXA has been around for a couple of years and is a package or pre-built components for Sitecore allowing you to get sites up and running quicker.
  • Sitecore Host – A lean common runtime for .NET Core applications (Powers: Horizon, Universal Tracker, Sitecore Identity)
  • Helix Configuration – 9.1 shipped with some Helix configuration already setup. Helix is Sitecore’s recommended approach to building Sitecore Sites it sets out an number of overall design principles and conventions to follow.
  • Sitecore Installer Assistant (SIA) – 9.2 provides a new GUI for easily installing Sitecore in a few clicks
  • SSL offloading – 9.2 provides an SSL offloading config to Improve security and performance by shifting SSL Processing onto separate processors
  • Active Personalization Dashboard – 9.2 has a new new dashboard which provides an overview of all personalization actively occurring, providing visibility of poorly/well performing tactics to act upon.
  • Many other improvements including: Search, Content Delivery, xDB and Analytics, Sitecore Forms, EXM, SIF(2), YAML Item Serialization, Bug Fixes and performance Improvements

But We’re on Sitecore 8.2 or below, what else do I get?

Mainstream Support

If you are yet to upgrade to Sitecore 9 then you need to consider this soon as Mainstream support for 8.2 and below expires in December 2019.
This means that whilst Sitecore will still provide security updates and fixes and endeavour to assist with product incidents they may not provide support for the following:

  • Assistance with errors or unexpected behaviour during installation or development
  • Addressing product defects as hot-fixes or patches
  • Compatibility fixes for supported technology platforms.

Therefore if you are on 8.2 or below after December this year then you may need to upgrade to resolve certain issues (depending on what the issues are).

Sitecore 9.0 Features

If you are on 8.2 or below you will also benefit from all the features released in 9.0, here are the key ones:

  • xConnect – Provides an unified API that centralises data access
  • Headless CMS support and JSS – Allows web apps to be built with React, Angular, Vue using Sitecore data
  • Rules based configuration – Configuration is now much simpler as it can be set based on the server role (e.g Content Delivery, Content Authoring)
  • Sitecore Install Framework (SIF) – SIF is a framework for installing Sitecore using automated scripts. This is how Sitecore 9 and above is now installed and it means deployments can be automated easier.
  • Sitecore Accelerator Framework (SXA) – SXA is a pre-built set of components to allow pages to be developed quicker with less development effort
  • Sitecore Forms – Sitecore 9.0 has newly designed forms to replace WFFM. These are built in a modern way and are easier to configure and customise.

Upgrade Considerations

So there are clearly some significant benefits to carrying out an upgrade to Sitecore 9.2, especially if you are on 8.2 still, as some customers are.
There are some additional requirements and considerations when moving to Sitecore 9.2 and standard upgrade considerations which need to be planned for:

  • Additional Servers / Roles – Due to changes to the architecture to split out elements of Sitecore into smaller services Sitecore 9, 9.1 and 9.2 require some additional Servers and roles. These are for xConnect, Identity Server, Cortex and processing. When you are planning resources for your upgrade this should be considered, particularly on Azure as there are quite a few additional services required.
  • Module Upgrades – Most Sitecore sites will make use of a number of Modules to extend the out of the box functionality. Some popular modules are: Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM), Url Rewrite and Sitecore Powershell Extensions (SPE). It is important to ensure that each module you are using is supported in Sitecore 9.2 and to consider time for upgrading each module as part of the upgrade process.
  • Updated Licence – Most customers will require a new licence generating when upgrading to Sitecore 9 and above. Therefore ensure you request this from your account manager in advance and that you have all features/modules you require included on your licence.
  • Active Directory module – Sitecore 9.1 & 9.2 or later does not support the Active Directory module. Sitecore uses Identity server to handle logins instead of legacy methods such as AD. Therefore if you are upgrading to 9.1 or above and use the AD module you will need to implement an integration with Active Directory from Identity Server.
  • Search – Sitecore 9 and above no longer supports Lucene so you must use SOLR or Azure Search. Lucene did not work well in distributed search scenarios so moving to SOLR or Azure Search has been recommended for a while. SSL is also required for SOLR in 9.0.
  • Code & Configuration Updates – Sitecore try and reduce breaking changes where possible but sometimes they are unavoidable, so as with all Sitecore upgrades some custom code and configuration will need to be updated to be compatible with Sitecore 9.2.
    To assist with this process Sitecore does provide an Express Migration Tool (to get to 9.0) and an Update Installation Wizard to update to 9.2. However these tools will likely only get you so far for highly customised Sitecore implementations and will likely need some manual upgrading too. Any code that needs upgrading will not be auto-upgraded by the tool. If you are on 8.2 then there are quite a few changes for analytics with xConnect. All references in Visual Studio will need updating to 9.2 also.
  • Support Patches & Hotfixes – You will likely have some hotfixes or support patches that have been applied to your solution over time. These will need analysing as part of the upgrade to understand if they are still required or not in 9.2. Many of these may have been rolled into 9.2 already.
  • Analytics Data upgrade – Part of the upgrade process involves migrating xDB data in the 8.x format to Sitecore 9.2 format. Sitecore have a tool for this:
  • Implementation Quality – Best practice Sitecore implementations do not customise any out of the box Sitecore files and instead use patch files and extensions to customise configuration and other Sitecore functionality. Ideally the base platform should be installed ‘as is’ and the customisations layered on top to assist with upgradability. Depending on how well your implementation has been carried out will impact how easy it is to upgrade. If your implementation is not best practice then your team should take the time during the upgrade to correct this and take advantage of some of the newer and better ways of doing this.

A Note on Upgrading WFFM

sitecore-formsOften one of the key stumbling blocks for upgrading Sitecore to 9.1 or 9.2 is Web Forms For Marketers, this is because it was deprecated in Sitecore 9.1 and is also not supported in Sitecore 9.2. Sitecore 9.0.2 is the last release where WFFM can be used. Sitecore Forms has replaced it.  If customers have many forms this can be a bit daunting.

So you could just upgrade to Sitecore 9.0.2 and stop there, but you would be missing out on a lot of features and you will need to upgrade again in the near future. Thankfully there is another option, there is now a community built tool to help automate this for you and convert WFFM forms and data to Sitecore Experience Forms: I have yet to use this but have heard good things about it and it is regularly updated.


I’ve tried to cover the key features of 9.2 and considerations for upgrading here. As you can probably see the longer you leave an upgrade the more complex it becomes as there are more changes to consider. Frequent upgrades of Sitecore should be the aim as this will reduce the time and investment needed to carry them out. Hopefully you’ll find this post useful for planning an upgrade to Sitecore 9.2 and leverage the investment you have made in the platform.

Creating Multiple Uniquely Named Solr Instances For Sitecore Development

solr-red Since the release of Sitecore 9.x and above Solr has been the default Search service and there is an requirement to install Solr with an SSL Certificate in order to use SIF to install Sitecore.
To simplify this I’ve been using this Powershell Script that Jeremy Davis kindly created for a while now.

In general it works brilliantly but if you want to keep all your Solr instances in C:\Solr as soon as I try to install a 2nd or 3rd instance of the same version of Solr (e.g a 2nd solr-6.6.2 instance for 9.02) I run into issues.
The script assumes that you don’t already have a folder called “\solr-6.6.2” in C:\Solr and fails. It will also fail on a number of other steps such as the cert name, service name and zip download/extraction.

Therefore I’ve modified the Script to support passing in a suffix which creates a unique instance of Solr using a $solrSuffix variable for various steps in the script.

Just set this variable to something that makes sense for that instance of Solr and run it e.g:

$solrSuffix = 902dev;

You should then have an unique instance of Solr and you can keep running the script again and again as long as the $solrSuffix is unique and you update the values of  $solrPort and $solrHost each time also.

unique-solr solr-installed




The script below is setup for Sitecore 9.1 installs (using Solr 7.2.1), but if you change the $solrVersion to 6.6.2 and set the other 3 variables mentioned above you can use it for Sitecore 9.0.x installs too.

This updated script has saved me quite a bit of time over the past few months, hopefully others will find this useful too.
Thanks again to Jeremy for writing the original script.